What is Microsoft Azure?
Microsoft Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud services that developers and IT professionals use to build, deploy, and manage applications through our Microsoft network of datacenters. With Azure, you get the freedom to build and deploy wherever you want, using the tools, applications, and frameworks of your choice.

Choose RAK and Get the Best Cloud Support on the Market for Microsoft Azure

24/7/365 by phone, email and chat

Tickets are resolved in 1 business day

Call centers are based in Canada

Trilingual support English, French and Arabic

Your Project on a
Multinational Cloud
Run your application on one of Azure’s worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters located across over 20 regions around the world. Our North-American support is available 24/7.
Rolls-Royce testimonial
Rolls-Royce has more than 13,000 engines for commercial aircraft in service around the world, and for the past 20 years, it has offered customers comprehensive engine maintenance services that help keep aircraft available and efficient. As the rapidly increasing volume of data coming from many different types of aircraft equipment overtakes the airlines’ ability to analyze and gain insight from it, Rolls-Royce is using the Microsoft Azure platform to fundamentally transform how it uses data to better serve its customers.
When you choose to purchase Azure from us you also get access to RAK Cloud, RAK’s own
offering. Our cloud servers are perfect for your VM, database and backup
needs. They come with free support
and are backed by our 99.999% SLA.